Employers Urge Quick Action on Bipartisan “Cadillac Tax” Repeal Bill
CONTACT: Neil Trautwein (202-626-8170)
WASHINGTON, January 30, 2019 – The National Coalition on Benefits issued the following
statement in strong support of the bipartisan introduction of H.R. 748, legislation to fully repeal
the Affordable Care Act’s so-called “Cadillac Tax.”
“The National Coalition on Benefits (NCB) congratulates Representatives Joe Courtney (D-CT)
and Mike Kelly (R-PA) for reintroducing their bipartisan legislation to fully repeal the 40 percent
‘Cadillac Tax’ on employer-provided health plans. Passage of this legislation is a key health
care priority for employers. NCB recognizes and appreciates the continued strong bipartisan
support in Congress for full ‘Cadillac Tax’ repeal.”
“Employers strongly support full repeal of the ‘Cadillac Tax’ because this tax inevitably forces
the reduction of employee benefits. Employers devise benefit plans two years in advance of the
actual plan year. As a result, benefits are being reduced now to avoid the impending reach of the
‘Cadillac Tax.’
A 2018 election night poll, conducted by pollster Frank Luntz, highlights that 81 percent of
voters oppose taxes on employer-provided health coverage. The ‘Cadillac Tax’ will make
health insurance more expensive for the more than 181 million people who receive coverage
through an employer. We strongly urge enactment of this bipartisan bill in 2019.”
The National Coalition on Benefits (NCB) is dedicated to preserving the benefits of the more
than 181 million Americans who receive health insurance through employers. The Coalition is
comprised of major employer trade associations, representing both large and small employers.
NCB also includes many large employers with employees in all 50 states.
Press Release: Employers Urge Quick Action on Bipartisan “Cadillac Tax” Repeal Bill
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